Surprises sent: 5
Surprises received: 3
Surprises in progress: 5
Country: Russia
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English
Member since: 04 September 2024
Last activity: 10 December 2024
Hello! I’ll say right away, you can send me whatever you want, send what you would be pleased to receive yourself. My name is Yaroslav (Yarik), I am 20 years old. I live in Russia in Moscow. Topics that interest me: 1. Everything related to ecology, 2. National color and culture of the country or place of residence, 3. Biodiversity conservation and nature reserves (national parks), 4. The Arctic and everything connected with it, 5. Cartoon characters, especially Disney, 6. Everything related to the theme of sports and tourism, 7. The theme of botany and zoology, 8. National cuisine and food theme, 9. Geography and nature, 10. The theme of tea drinking. Even if you didn’t manage to collect anything from these clues, I will be happy for any surprise!