Surprises sent: 5
Surprises received: 4
Surprises in progress: 3
Country: Spain
Languages: Spanish, English.
Member since: 03 December 2024
Last activity: 02 February 2025
Hello everyone! My name is María and I live in Seville, in the southwest of Spain. I like to send and receive all kinds of postcards. I collect all kinds of things made of paper: stamps, brochures, maps, calendars, stickers, religious prints, advertising, restaurant menus and all that stuff. I also collect small things like, for example, coins, badges/pins or small amulets. I love everything that is old or vintage. I have only mentioned all this so that you can get to know me better because, of course, I will be delighted to receive any surprise you want to send me because the most special thing is to receive something sent with love. Take care and enjoy every minute!