Surprises in
the Mailbox.

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to a random member
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how to report someone for being so nasty
06 Jul 2022, 19:56:06
We have a member on here who is so nasty ... do i need to block her so I dont receive her anymore ?
09 Dec 2022, 16:35:07
If for some reason you don't want to exchange letters with a member, you can cancel an exchange when you receive that address. This would add that member to your blocked list. Also when you register a leter you now have a checkbox "Block this member from future exchanges."

You can view your list with blocked members in the page "Blocked members" from the left menu.
08 Aug 2022, 03:42:01
I wonder you could be nasty to you, you seem to be a nice lady❤️
UNESCO Postcards