Surprises in
the Mailbox.

Send a surprise
to a random member
and you receive one back!

Categories | Subjects | Messages
Number of "traveling" surprises
24 Jun 2019, 04:14:56
What is the schedule/pattern for when the number of surprises you're allowed to have in-progress go up? I'm currently at a maximum of 4 in-progress. Does it go up to 5 at some point? 6? Just curious.
14 Jul 2019, 18:36:42
At this point its maximum 4. The limitation is because of the low number of members on this club.

On where there are more members the maximum is now at 8.

0 registered - limit 2
1 registered - limit 3
3 registered - limit 4
5 registered - limit 5
10 registered - limit 6
20 registered - limit 7
30 registered - limit 8
UNESCO Postcards