Surprises in
the Mailbox.

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to a random member
and you receive one back!

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I didn't received Incoming letter for while
13 Aug 2022, 23:53:30
The system shows:

Outgoing expired You don't have outgoing expired letters.
Incoming in progress You have 3 incoming letters.
Incoming expiredYou don't have incoming expired letters.

And I still don't have received any, why?
When can I see incoming senders, and bottons to mark them as not received?
03 Oct 2022, 17:28:06
At this point you have two incoming letters. One for 37 days and one for 125 days.
You can view expired letters after they get expired. That is after 90 days. And you have another 90 days to mark them as "Not received".
After those 90+90 days, the automatic action will take place. If you marked it as "Nor received" it will be auto registered.
Letters that you marked as not received and the sender also marked them as mailed, are considered lost. Those letters can be viewed in the page "Surprises" from the left menu, section "Expired". They will no longer appear in the home page because no other actions are needed from you. But they can still be registered.
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