Surprises sent: 5
Surprises received: 4
Surprises in progress: 1
Country: Belarus
Languages: English and ukrainian
Member since: 15 December 2023
Last activity: 07 March 2025
Hey stranger!
My name is Sofi. I'm from Ukraine, but now live in Belarus.
There is a war in my country now, so please, if you can help our refugees abroad - do it.
My hobbies as they are
- reading (adventures, detective stories, science fiction);
- friendly conversation;
- music (from classics to jazz);
- good food and drinks;
- small cross-stitch pictures;
- hiking (the slow way to travel);
I like postcards with unusual facts about your city or country.
- a message in a bottle,
- surfing,
- Shaped/Odd sized (i.e,Gotochi/Oval)
- Maxi cards,
- 3D cards,
- Gotochi cards,
- dolphins,
- pin up girls,
- sharks,
- octopuses,
- penguins,
- Simon's Cat,
- Keep Calm and ...
- Brickleberry (adult animated sitcom)
- The TV series "Friends"
- coffee and cinnamon rolls
- whales
- Ginny & Georgia
- baby Yoda
- northern Lights / Aurora Borealis.
In the text, you can specify the mini history of the image of the postcard. Share the last pleasant event in your life.
Your postcard is one of the small things that warms the soul.
*Please write in block letters* - It is often very difficult to read the message. but everyone has beautiful handwriting in different ways.
Write an interesting phrase in your native language.
Please leave these topics for other profiles: city multiview, advertising, gloomy (witches, horror stories), anime, insects, russian architecture,
handmade, flowers, old people, children, rodents.
Happy Postcrossing,