Surprises in
the Mailbox.

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Surprise "UA-20" from Ukraine
02 Apr 2021, 20:34:56
I received a nice surprise that says "UA-20" on it but the system thinks that surprise was meant for someone else. The sender's name is Trina and she lives in Kiev/Kyiv. Please help me register this nice surprise if you can! PS. I think this surprise was sent quite a while ago (October? December?) but I cannot read the postmarks clearly. I think it says 06.12.20 but there is Halloween tape on the envelope so maybe it's October? Any help would be appreciated!!!
12 Apr 2021, 07:43:11
You can only register the ids that are for you. Guessing an id in this cases can help. If the sender requests several addresses at the same time, the ids can be switched by mistake, so 20 could be 19, 21...
03 Apr 2021, 22:56:29
Never mind. I just started guessing numbers and I got it.
02 Apr 2021, 20:47:16
The sender's name might be Irina, not Trina.
UNESCO Postcards