Surprises in
the Mailbox.

Send a surprise
to a random member
and you receive one back!

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For the moment there are no available partners!
08 Mar 2021, 13:34:29
When I found this website I was immediately enthusiastic and signed up. But I can't send any surprises. I think that's a shame. I've been with postcrossing for a long time and also advertised this website there and set the link from But what's the point if new members come, but they can't send any surprises. After a few unsuccessful attempts, some will stop. So this website won't get any bigger. Unfortunately, I also find it a bit strange that if you haven't been online for 2 weeks, you don't get any surprises. What if you've sent one and the letter takes 3 weeks to arrive and you don't go to this page during that time ...
Find this very frustrating.
I'm sorry for my not so good English.
27 Feb 2024, 23:09:47
@OrigamiGrace Your settings shows that you have selected to have exchanges only in your own country. This is okay but it also reduces the number of posible members. It would help if there were more members in general and in your case from US.
21 Jan 2024, 15:13:17
Is the site dead? No available partners for months and no answer from site admin.
06 Dec 2023, 12:17:11
It's been almost two weeks since I'm not able to get new addresses and keep getting a message that for the moment there are no available partners. I wander what the cause is this time. Is the membership increasing or decreasing rapidly at the moment? Perhaps some addresses could go back into circulation after a shorter period of expiration, eg. 60 days? Just a thought.
Thank you 😊 I love this project and it would be sad to see it fade away.
19 Sep 2021, 00:45:24
I also just now signed up and do not see a way to get an address to send a surprise to. I do Postcrossing and PostFun and both of those sites/app will give out addresses when I request them. What is this waiting for a slot business entail? I have a business and I also work part time, I don't have the time to repeatedly be checking back, on this site, hoping to be able to get an address. If addresses are only given out here and there, to a few lucky people, I don't see the point of doing this.
15 Mar 2021, 07:09:35
Hi, That weekend there were more then 30 new members that joined this club. Thank you for advertising this club. This club had in that weekend about 116 active members. The new 30+ members used the available slots quickly.
Slots are created when letters are registered. I have added additional slots so that new members to be able to send letters. The situation will balance out while more letters will be registered, especially when letters from the new members will start to be registered.
Addresses from members that have been logged in in the last 14 days are assigned for surprises to avoid the situations where members would become inactive and would not register the received surprises.
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