Surprises in
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Lost Surprises
24 Nov 2023, 12:40:10
Good afternoon! I have 4 lost incoming envelopes with a long expiration date😔 One was sent 444 days ago, the second - 370 days, the third - 203 days, the fourth - 163 days...
When my envelopes were lost, I sent repeated ones. And the recipient is happy, and everything is perfect on the site. After all, we are here to give joy to each other.
Do you send duplicate envelopes?
13 Dec 2023, 14:46:24
This happens in different ways, they lose and spoil correspondence, there are also postmen who appropriate themselves, but they are quickly calculated and they no longer work at the post office. But there are also letters that are lost due to logistics. It came to me 4 years later😊
11 Dec 2023, 04:44:57
I wonder where all the lost mail ends up and who might actually get it.. Quite a few of mine have gone astray recently, maybe it's the time of year. I hope it's all piling up somewhere and will eventually find its way. Other than that I hope someone is using it and getting some joy from it rather than it ending up as trash. What do you think?
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